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Pitch Perfect: 3 Proven Pillars of Effective Blogger Outreach

When it comes to blogger outreach, one of the most common mistakes a digital PR can make is playing a numbers game.  After all, with a mailing list of two hundred, it is reasonable to believe that the odds are in your favour. However, bloggers...

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Digital Marketing Careers for Graduates: An Industry That Welcomes All Sorts of Degrees

It’s funny how things change, isn’t it? When you’re five and adorable, the concept of becoming an astronaut andraising cows on the moon is widely lauded as being cute. But when you’re twenty-one and want nothing morethan to pursue...

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72 Delicious Strategies & Ideas To Market Your Restaurant

Marketing for restaurants is getting tougher. As far as consumer industries go, eating out is still one of the most crowded marketplaces. Restaurants and cafes remain one of our favourite ways to socialise and enjoy a lifestyle both inside and...

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Beginners Guide To Creating A Masterful First Facebook Ad

What are Facebook ads? Facebook is one of the most effective digital advertising platforms available to businesses today. It enables you to reach out and build relationships with new and existing customers, drive people to your website, and...

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7 Essential SEO Recommendations for New Business Websites

Driving new customer acquisition through Google is vitally important to the success of many new businesses. To achieve that requires a focus on SEO strategy right from the get-go. At the technical end, make no mistake, SEO is a complicated and...

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Why PR for SEO Is The Best Strategy For Your Business

As the digital economy innovates and changes – on what can feel like a daily basis – the movements of PR, marketing and digital disciplines inside companies and outside them, are not only moving forward but also moving ever-closer together. And...

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Digital Marketing Needs Assessments: When a Business Needs Support

Most businesses start out solo – one person with an idea, a product, a dream. For entrepreneurs, this often remains the case even as the business grows. However, we all eventually need to start enlisting some kind of help. A prime example is when...

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